On April 29, 2020, Governor DeSantis released phase one of his reopening guidelines for the state of Florida. Phase one is set to begin on May 4, 2020 and includes a provision for restaurants, retail stores, museums, and libraries to open their facilities 25% of their seating/occupancy capacity. In addition, those facilities must practice the CDC recommended social distancing by maintaining groups of 10 or less spaced at 6ft apart or more. In addition, Governor DeSantis ordered that groups of people larger than 10 are no permitted to congregate in any public space that does not readily allow for proper physical distancing. The full details of Phase One for the state of Florida can be found at https://www.flgov.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/EO-20-112.pdf.
While the executive orders from the Governor never explicitly prevented churches from meeting for worship, we believe that it was both prudent and honoring to follow the President and the Governor in their recommendations. At this point, we believe that the restrictions for restaurants, retails stores, museums, and libraries are also readily applicable to churches who gather for worship only and who can practice appropriate social distancing within their facilities. Having verified ample sanitation supplies and following these guidelines for a safe worship environment, Southwide will move forward into phase one of our regathering plan:
PHASE ONE May 10, 2020
Southwide will resume one regular weekly worship gathering on campus each Sunday morning at 10am with the following limits:
- Doors will open at 9:30 to encourage but limit fellowship with appropriate social distancing
- Physical attendance will be limited to 25% of our auditorium capacity, which is approximately 75 people. Ushers will assist families in sitting together in groups of no more than 10 and spaced every other pew and 6ft apart on each pew.
- Overflow seating in the foyer and on the porch will be available following social distancing guidelines.
- CDC recommended social distancing guidelines will remain in place
- Worship care for children will not be provided for any age and worship care facilities will remain closed. Parents are encouraged to keep their children within their family unit.
- All attendees should continue to use good personal hygiene before, during, and after a visit to campus including:
- Washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
- Using hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available
- Not touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
- Avoiding close personal contact with others, including activities such as shaking hands or hugging
- Coughing and sneezing into your elbow
- Disinfecting objects and surfaces regularly
- Strongly consider wearing a mask while in attendance
- If you feel you may be sick or may have been exposed to someone who is, please self-isolate for the recommended 14 days and continue to worship through our online platforms
- Those who medically vulnerable are encouraged to continue to worship through our online platforms until conditions becomes safer.
- Southwide will continue to take the following measures to maintain a safe worship environment:
- Maintaining a “no physical contact” approach to in our greeting ministry and all greeters and ushers will wear masks as a precaution
- Wiping down all common area touchpoints (e.g., doors, light switches, countertops, etc.) with industrial grade disinfectant.
- Placing hand sanitizers in common areas throughout the buildings
- Maintaining weekly routine cleaning of our facilities that includes sanitizing bathrooms and eating areas and performing in-depth cleaning of certain areas of the facility.
- Using a safer way to serve communion with pre-packaged elements provided at the entrance during services, we will continue to suspend the greeting time, and we will be receiving the morning offering before and after the service at the front doors of the auditorium.
- All other weekly activities will remain online, including Connect Groups, Southwide Kids, and Southwide Students, and our daily prayer time
- We will continue to livestream our worship gathering on Facebook Live (https://www.facebook.com/southwidebc/) and on our website (www.southwidebaptist.com).
- The church office will remain open on Mondays and remote for the rest of the week through the duration of phase one. Phones, email, and social media contact will still be available during the week and mail and shipments will continue to be received.
In addition, the following calendar changes should be noted:
- Vacation Bible School: Tentatively postponed to from June 14th-18th to July 19th-23rd. The date will be subject to change again as new information comes out.
- Israel 2021: Indefinitely postponed. New dates will be announced when available.
Online Giving Link: https://southwide.churchcenter.com/giving
Southwide Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/southwidebc/
Church Website: www.southwidebaptist.com
While the executive orders from the Governor never explicitly prevented churches from meeting for worship, we believe that it was both prudent and honoring to follow the President and the Governor in their recommendations. At this point, we believe that the restrictions for restaurants, retails stores, museums, and libraries are also readily applicable to churches who gather for worship only and who can practice appropriate social distancing within their facilities. Having verified ample sanitation supplies and following these guidelines for a safe worship environment, Southwide will move forward into phase one of our regathering plan:
PHASE ONE May 10, 2020
Southwide will resume one regular weekly worship gathering on campus each Sunday morning at 10am with the following limits:
- Doors will open at 9:30 to encourage but limit fellowship with appropriate social distancing
- Physical attendance will be limited to 25% of our auditorium capacity, which is approximately 75 people. Ushers will assist families in sitting together in groups of no more than 10 and spaced every other pew and 6ft apart on each pew.
- Overflow seating in the foyer and on the porch will be available following social distancing guidelines.
- CDC recommended social distancing guidelines will remain in place
- Worship care for children will not be provided for any age and worship care facilities will remain closed. Parents are encouraged to keep their children within their family unit.
- All attendees should continue to use good personal hygiene before, during, and after a visit to campus including:
- Washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
- Using hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available
- Not touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
- Avoiding close personal contact with others, including activities such as shaking hands or hugging
- Coughing and sneezing into your elbow
- Disinfecting objects and surfaces regularly
- Strongly consider wearing a mask while in attendance
- If you feel you may be sick or may have been exposed to someone who is, please self-isolate for the recommended 14 days and continue to worship through our online platforms
- Those who medically vulnerable are encouraged to continue to worship through our online platforms until conditions becomes safer.
- Southwide will continue to take the following measures to maintain a safe worship environment:
- Maintaining a “no physical contact” approach to in our greeting ministry and all greeters and ushers will wear masks as a precaution
- Wiping down all common area touchpoints (e.g., doors, light switches, countertops, etc.) with industrial grade disinfectant.
- Placing hand sanitizers in common areas throughout the buildings
- Maintaining weekly routine cleaning of our facilities that includes sanitizing bathrooms and eating areas and performing in-depth cleaning of certain areas of the facility.
- Using a safer way to serve communion with pre-packaged elements provided at the entrance during services, we will continue to suspend the greeting time, and we will be receiving the morning offering before and after the service at the front doors of the auditorium.
- All other weekly activities will remain online, including Connect Groups, Southwide Kids, and Southwide Students, and our daily prayer time
- We will continue to livestream our worship gathering on Facebook Live (https://www.facebook.com/southwidebc/) and on our website (www.southwidebaptist.com).
- The church office will remain open on Mondays and remote for the rest of the week through the duration of phase one. Phones, email, and social media contact will still be available during the week and mail and shipments will continue to be received.
In addition, the following calendar changes should be noted:
- Vacation Bible School: Tentatively postponed to from June 14th-18th to July 19th-23rd. The date will be subject to change again as new information comes out.
- Israel 2021: Indefinitely postponed. New dates will be announced when available.
Online Giving Link: https://southwide.churchcenter.com/giving
Southwide Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/southwidebc/
Church Website: www.southwidebaptist.com